We spend a lot of time in our parlor (a word I'd never used in the first 48 years of my life). It's a nice place to sit with our coffee and newspaper in the morning or a glass of wine in the evening. It gets morning sun and affords a great view over the main street. You can even see the ocean from here. If we're not in the kitchen or flopped in front of the TV, we're probably in the parlor.
So why has it taken us so long to paint this room? It's been this dark-green color since we moved in, which went oh-so-well with the blood-red carpet. The carpet disappeared six months ago, but the walls remained green.
I'll just come right out and say it. We're painting the room purple. Yup, it's our lavender love lounge. Really, it's not so bad, and it complements the old wallpaper in the adjoining rooms (which may not say much for the wallpaper, I realize). The new color lightens up the room quite a bit.
Paint colors have funny names. Kathy will tell you that I deliberately avoid reading the silly names written on the back of the paint samples so that they don't color (sorry) my decision. I don't want to know that one shade of white is called Wedding Cake while another is named Shroud of Turin or Albino Bicuspid or something like that.