Okay, kids. Take a last look, 'cause it's all coming' down.
Today we start on a total demolition and remodel of the main/upstairs kitchen. (Yes, we've got permits. You never know who's reading.)
We think this kitchen was built around 1939. It's not original to the house; we know that. And judging from the color of the tiles and the, uh, quaint appliances, the kitchen was remodeled in the 1960s. (More on this in another post.) Either way, it's all coming out, to be replaced with all mod cons.
It's not a terrible kitchen, really. Several families must have used it day in and day out. It even has its own built-in breakfast bar. I wonder how many little kids sat there and ate their oatmeal before going off to Pacific Grove Middle School or PGHS. There's what appears to be a cat door under the last cabinet.
On the other hand, said bar effectively cuts the room in half, making it more claustrophobic than it needs to be. The hanging center cabinets also block sunlight coming through the stained-glass window, which seems a shame.
The sink is old (but surprisingly un-rusty) and the wood under and behind it is... ick. The drawers stick. There's too many layers of paint on everything. Digging down, it looks like everything was originally painted light green, then later white. The green matches the tiles, and the white is, well, white.
The hanging cabinets all have hand-painted doors, which we're saving. Anyone know who "Bernadette" was? When the green cabinets were repainted white, at least someone took care not to blemish Bernadette's work.
Anyway, it's all coming out, starting today. Wish me luck.
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