Half-forgotten amidst the flurry of activity in the kitchen is our poor "master" bathroom. It's the master bath only by default; there's a bathroom on all three floors, and the second floor is where our bedroom is located, so that makes it the master bath, right?
Anyway, it's been running consistently about a month behind all the other work. We're still a long way from being finished, but it's starting to take shape. The shower dam went in a few weeks ago. Then it got hot-mopped and filled with water, awaiting inspection. The inspector evidently came and went (I never saw him), so then the tile could go in.
Michele (mee-KAY-lee) is the young Sicilian tile setter. He's a hoot. He's also pretty good at his job. He sings, whistles, and talks to himself as he works. He also like the same radio stations that I do, which is surprising since he's half my age. He likes espresso, but he puts a lot of sugar in it. Yuck.
At any rate, he's been tiling the shower, then the floor. The floor got finished the day after Thanksgiving, then Michele came back on Monday and Tuesday to grout everything. Today it's quiet, for the first time in weeks.
We figure it'll be another... I dunno... four weeks before the bathroom is usable. The glass enclosure for the shower hasn't been ordered yet, and none of the plumbing is in. We've got all the fixtures; they're just not installed. So we wait some more.
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