We found more buried treasure.
Okay, maybe "treasure" oversells it, but we've found more junk, this time buried under the bathroom floor. The haul included a Play-Doh can, a bottle of nail polish, an aerosol can of shaving cream, an empty glass jar, and — typically — a whiskey bottle.
This particular brand of hooch was "Randy Ford's Reserve" 80-proof Kentucky whiskey blend, bottled by The Ames Co. of Newark, California. Newark? Really?
I did a quick search for the Ames whiskey bottling company and, not surprisingly, came up dry. (See what I did there?) There are some numbers molded into the bottom of the bottle, and across the top is the phrase, "federal law prohibits the sale or re-use of this bottle," presumably there to thwart moonshiners or tax evaders.
Whiskey is a step up for our tippling builders. Construction of the 2nd-floor kitchen was fueled almost entirely by cheap Muscatel. Maybe the economy was improving by the time they built this bathroom. Or maybe a particularly talented builder with a good arm managed to toss his bottle all the way up here. Either way, I hope he enjoyed his drink. There's nothing left in the bottle.
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