But of course, there was a wall stud directly behind the dryer, exactly in the path of the vent. To get around that, I cut away the stud and put in the cripple stud you see here. I had to rip and plane a modern 2x6 to make it fit the size of an old-style 2x4. You can see the fresh, pale wood next to the older, seasoned wood.
A little insulation, a new vent pipe, some drywall patch, and we're all set.
Just a heads-up: washing machines are a lot heavier than dryers. Kathy and I struggled to move the washer from its original position, and struggled even more to get it back into its new place. Then you have to adjust the little leveling feet, which are underneath the beast. Tip it up; adjust one foot; let it down; measure the wobble; repeat several times; administer beer. It's even less fun than it sounds.
At least there was beer!