You knew there had to be one.
Or five, actually. One of the things we learned about restaurant health codes is that you need five -- count 'em, five -- sinks in a foodservice kitchen.
- One for washing dishes
- One for rinsing dishes
- One for sanitizing (bleaching) dishes
- One for washing your hands, and finally...
- One for washing vegetables and other food
Regulations also require two drain boards, one on each side of the sink, as sanitary places to set dishes. But since our kitchen wall is pretty short -- and we've got to make room for five freakin' sinks -- the health inspector gave us a waiver and allowed us to get away with only one drain board, as long as we promise to set the dirty dishes somewhere else. I held my hand over my heart and promised.
I haven't plumbed it in yet -- there's some dispute over the regulations regarding air gaps, grease traps, and drainage. Once that gets settled, we'll hook this baby up and have a working kitchen!
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