This bit of timber is now part of our kitchen doorway. It's a massive 4x12 chunk of solid pine. It took two guys to lift it off the ground, and a Sawzall to cut it to size.
Want to guess how much it cost? Twenty bucks.
Apparently it pays to show up at the lumberyard with a big truck and a contractor's license.
*(Yes, I know, it's a header, not a stud.)
Hi! I am the great great grandson of Dr. Andrew Hart and it's nice to see what you've done. My grandfather Franklin Hart lived in this house as a child as I was told. He has some photos of the Dr Hart stainglass on the front of the house. Anyways if you have any momentos or anything like the old nails or something you'd be willing to send us we'd love to have something. We live in a 100 year old house and love the character of it. You can email me at Thanks!