Behold, the mighty tankless water heater!
Today we* replaced the second of our two** water heaters with a brand spanking new tankless style water heater. It's the latest thing in water-warming-upping technology. It has no reservoir tank; it heats the water in real-time as it passes through your pipes.
This saves energy, since you're not heating a tankful of water you may not need. It also means you never run out of hot water, no matter how much you use. It just keeps heatin' as long you you keep usin' hot water. Hellooo, long showers.
For you plumbing nerds, this is a Navien NP-240A. Made in Korea, with a built-in recirculating pump. So not only does it heat water, but it reuses already-heated water from the pipes whenever possible.
Here's a shot of its predecessor, looking a bit old and forlorn.
* It was really the plumber. I watched.
** There were actually three water heaters in the house, but #1 and #2 were removed earlier. Keep up, will ya?
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