Saturday, March 20, 2010

A New Adventure

Today we started packing. We're buying a 116-year-old Victorian just a few blocks away in beautiful Pacific Grove, California. The house was originally built by Dr. Hart, the town obstetrician in 1894. We think it's in pretty good shape, but we're sure we'll find some surprises, which we'll share with you as we go along. In the meantime, wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy:
    A little side note re: the era of Dr. Hart's practice in Pacific Grove. Another resident at the time was Mrs. Fredriecka Plapp, who together with her husband Karl, owned the "Volks" Bakery at 2nd and Eardley Sts. She was also a midwife, and sometimes cooked at the Gosbey Inn next door to Dr. Hart. About 1915 my grandmother, Ramona Thompson Bushnell, a young widow at 35, often accompanied Mrs. Plapp, as both a midwife assistant, and at times helping cook at the Inn. I often wonder if Dr. Hart used their services as aides - they knew him well. And when he delivered me in March 1930, he was like family for my mother. I am so glad we met at Casa de Oro - I am excited for you and John on your journey together in restoring the mansion. My best wishes in your endeavors.
    Ramona Andrea Reitz.
