Friday, June 3, 2011

Christmas in June

Well, this was a surprise.

Yesterday we found a small envelope on the front porch. Evidently someone had stopped by and dropped it off while we weren't looking. It had no stamp, so it wasn't mailed; just a small hand-written return address with a phone number.

Inside was this photograph. It's from around Christmastime, 2010, or about six months ago. I called the number on the envelope and talked to a very nice man, Dennis Huey, who took the picture. He and his wife had snapped a few photos when they were visiting, and he makes it his policy to always provide a copy whenever he photographs someone's house, a habit that I very much admire. He also gave us permission to post the picture here, so voila!

We can't count the number of times people have photographed our house or the one next door. Almost every night of the week we see flashbulbs outside, and on most sunny days if we happen to look out to the street we spy someone lining up a shot. And that's just when we're looking; who knows how many quick shots we've missed.We often wonder, how did the picture come out?, but this is the first time we've actually seen the result. Thanks, Dennis.

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