Monday, October 28, 2013

That's How We Roll

No sooner did the painters finish outside than we started more painting inside.

Kathy and I hung the wallpaper in the downstairs front room two weeks ago, but we hadn't painted the ceiling. It was still white painted-over wallpaper. (Yes, they wallpapered the ceiling and then painted over it. Just like most of the rooms.) We took a wallpaper scrap down to the paint store and had them match it for us, then started on the ceiling Saturday morning.

We do this tag-team. Kathy gets up on the ladder with a brush and cuts around the corners, fixtures, and other obstacles. I get a roller on a long pole and paint the ceiling in big stripes. If we time it right, we can paint around each other and finish at the same time. That never happens.

Actually, the first step was to cover the floor with paper and cover the walls with plastic. We hung big plastic sheets all around the room. It looked like the quarantine area in E.T., or some sort of biohazard-containment area. But at least we'd keep from splattering our new wallpaper. On the down side, it gets hot and stuffy working in a sealed plastic room.

This room's about done. I have to reinstall the chair rails, which shouldn't be too hard. And we really ought to re-hang those sliding doors in the back of the picture. They're off their tracks and haven't moved in many years. But that's for another day.

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