Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Chapter Next

Our time in this house has come to an end -- the moving van is outside as I write this -- but the story of the house continues, of course.

As anyone knows who's sold a house, it's not as fun as it looks. In our case, the process took more than nine months, from when it was first listed to when we closed escrow. There were some ups and downs along the way, a few false starts, some heated words, and a few missed deadlines and broken promises, but in the end it all worked out. In fact, it worked out really well.

The new buyers are ideal. As sellers, we don't get to pick the buyers, but we couldn't have chosen a better family. They'll be living in the house full-time, just as we did, and they're enthusiastic about preserving it.

Best of all, they'll be taking over this blog and updating it going forward. So you see? "Restoring Dr. Hart's Mansion" will continue, maybe for another 126 years.

Goodbye, old friend. 

1 comment:

  1. Goodbye, house! Your grandkids are excited to see the new one. :)
