We've all heard the story about the man who spends years building a sailboat in his basement, only to find out that it doesn't fit through the door. Well, we kind of feel that way about this bathtub.
We're ready to start working on the new floor, but that's kinda hard to do with this bathtub sitting here. The thing is cast iron and gravitationally gifted. Kathy and I working together can move it only about 6 inches at a time before we need to set it down and take a break. So we scooted it across the room to to the doorway and... it didn't fit. Even when I took off all the door trim, the tub is just a wee bit too large to go through the opening.
Aha! Brainstorm. Kathy thought, "Let's turn it on its side. It should fit that way."
Easier said than done. We laid an old piece of carpet across the floor so the tub would slide, and used that to ease it out the door and around the corner. And there it sits. At least it's out of the way now, and it only blocks the hallway to the guest room. Visitors: stay away for another week or so.
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